
I am sure I have posted something like this before, but if not, then great.

God gives each of us gifts. To some it is the gift of

  • Tongues
  • Understanding Tongues
  • Discernment
  • Leadership
  • Teaching
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Healing
  • Mercy
  • Evangelism
  • Music
  • Writing
  • Exceptional Memories
  • Strength
  • Mechanical Aptitude
  • Serving
  • Faith
  • Prophecy
  • Compassion

And the list can go on and on.

I bring this up because we think everyone is the same. There is so much about equality in our country and around the world that it is unreal, but most are not for equality, they are for equity. They think that by giving to those we think are in need, that it will balance the equation. It does not and cause even more inequality. Don’t see the difference go look it up what the two mean.

The gifts that God has given each of us has been translated into salaries. Teachers typically make less than engineers who make less than entertainers. It is about where as a society we have put our values. We want to be entertained and are willing to pay to be so. We want our goods no matter what they are and want our engineers to produce so we pay them more. We do not value education and to provide teachers with more money means it is coming out of our pocket as taxes and that we do not like.

However, a certain part of our society has decided that everyone should make the same regardless of their gifts which is fine, but then you will have no more teachers, engineers, doctors, entertainers, etc. Why would people work hard and pay for all the schooling to make as much as a burger flipper? They would not. So why entertain this notion of equity, because it gets people voted into office.

Even God does not think everyone is the same or everyone would have all the gifts, but we do not. God loves all of us equally that is true, but He does not treat us all the same. Just look at Matthew 25:14–30 about the parable of the talents.

As far as equality, God gives us all the same path to get to Heaven. He does not exclude anyone except those that refuse to come to Him through Jesus Christ. You may be thinking, then there should be other ways besides Jesus and the answer is a resounding no.

It is equal because it is the same for all. God basically says He cannot be in the presence of sin. If we want to go to Heaven, then we need to change our stink’n think’n and stop expecting God to bow down to our needs and start doing what He says we should do.

So instead of trying to be something you are not, cherish the gifts that God has given you and use them for God’s glory. You may not be paid well on Earth, but in Heaven you will probably be paid more. In other words, start being content with whom you are and what you have. Be thankful!

Updated: July 12, 2021 — 7:34 pm