Month: October 2017

Father and Sons

I know I mentioned yesterday about discipline, but that does not mean doing it constantly.  The same friend I mentioned yesterday, the father and son have a rough relationship.  I am not sure how the dad was raised, but based on how he acts with his son, it could not have been in a loving […]


It use to be that when that when someone did something wrong and they were caught, they were held accountable.  However, in today’s world that is just not true. When I was in high school, I was robbed at gun point by an individual for my school ring.  On the day of the trial there […]

Hard Times

I am not sure about you, but I feel like hard times are upon us again.  I have worked pretty much full time as a consultant for the past 8 years, but for the past 6 months I have been without work.  I normally contract myself through a few different firms, but for some reason […]

Love Your Neighbor

Loving your neighbor is one of the Greatest Commandments, but honestly how often do we show this.  I am talking both Christian and Non-Christian. You may be thinking how should a Non-Christian  know about this? Simple, there is still a thing called the Golden Rule, “Do onto others as you would have them do onto […]

Pushing Someone’s Button

What is pushing someone’s button?  Well it is doing something to make them angry.  Yes it is that simple and we all do it at some point in our life and usually to the ones we love. What is the best way to push someone’s button?  That is simple, make fun of or poke their […]


Why do we lie?  I am honestly not sure, but I have a few guesses: To protect themselves or others To make themselves or others look good To avoid being humiliated or humiliating others To gain advantage No matter how you look at it, lying is wrong.  We are instructed by God not to lie: […]