Month: July 2018

Why God 3?

Another question that is often asked is does God love me?  The short answer is yes.  What makes you think He does not? There are many reasons we think God does not love us such as: I do not get what I want I go through trials and tribulations I am in pain or ill […]

Why God 2?

Another question that is typically asked is why do good things happen to bad people? What are these good things that you think God blesses them with? Money Fame Success Power Possessions Are the above things really good?   What comes with most of those things that I mentioned? Stress Distrust of friends Constantly looking over […]

Why God?

This will probably result in many posts. The message this past Sunday was about God and His love.  However, lets face it there are many who do not believe that God loves them or anyone for that matter.  This is because they have been lied too about what God should be like. One of the […]


I heard an interesting story on the radio today.   A little girl started a cupcake stand to raise money for her families vacation.  While they were in Boise Idaho, the family saw a bunch of homeless people.  The family went to McDonalds and bought a bunch of cheeseburgers to help the homeless.  The little girl […]

God’s Fault

So too often when things happen to us, we want to blame someone or something else.  Recently, I was reading a devotional about anger.   If you cannot tell, that is one of my major areas that needs to be worked on. In this devotional, the author was talking about being angry with God.  The question […]


I have talked about the food we eat in the past.  Recently, there was a conversation about our eating meat and that we do not need to eat meat because the largest animals on the planet are herbivores.   This is an illogical cause and effect type analysis. This makes the assumption that we can process […]

Love Like Christ

I heard on the radio today that love is not a feeling, but a decision and that we should Love Like Christ.  Seems so simple to Love Like Christ, doesn’t it?  Yet it is probably one of the most difficult things to do. Christ was patient and kind.  He did not boast nor was he […]

Love does not Envy

Love does not envy is part of the 1 Corinthians 13:4, but what the heck does that mean?  Beats me.  I guess this post is over.  Well not really.  We need to dig a little to understand what this means. The word “envy” is translated from ancient Greek and it means “to burn with zeal.”  […]

Shining Light

My daughter preached this weekend about being a light.  She equated it to fire, not in a bad way, but in a way it is needed. Fire was the earliest form of light that was used for protection, cooking, and lighting things up at night.  To make a fire, there are three things that are […]

Love is kind

I was reading a devotional about love and one of the things is that love is kind.  Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 to find out what love is.  One of the things is that love is kind. What does this mean?  To truly understand what it means, you have to go back to ancient Greek.  The […]