Month: January 2018


I have been watching Jeanne Robertson on Youtube and I have to say that I find her to be pretty funny most of the time.   Her saying is basically we must learn to laugh at ourselves as the old saying goes and it is true. So many of us take ourselves way to serious and […]

What to do?

For the past 9+ months, I have been out of work.  Now I have two opportunities.  Oh the decisions! Actually, I have started one job and it is about 3 hours away from home.  My plan is to leave Friday afternoon around 2 to 3PM provided I do not have something else planned that day […]

Equality, Equality, Equality

I am so sick and tired of hearing about equality and inequality.  The world has had and always will have inequality.  We all die at different ages.  We all have different size families. We all have different material goods.  We all gain weight differently.  We all look different. The list could go on and on, […]

Being Deceived

Have you ever been angry with or at God?  I know I have been at times.  I have been so angry that I wanted to blame God for everything bad that has happened to me or my family.  I never stopped to think about why these things happened. While God is ultimately in charge of […]


I have been reading a devotional by Oswald Chamber on joy.  What is joy: Is acquired by the anticipation, acquisition or even the expectation of something great or wonderful. Is evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. Most people equate joy as happiness or pleasure or […]

Trusting God

I am sure you have heard the phrase “Home is where the heart is.”  I will be traveling again and honestly it sucks.  While I may be in a hotel room and about 200 miles from home, my heart will always be here at the house. Do we need the money?  Yes!  Does the church […]


Marriage is hard.  I could stop right there and I am sure most of you would agree.  Marriage is about communicating with one another. One of the biggest problems in marriages is that couples do not communicate.  Sure they may think they do because their body language is saying something or they think they are […]

Gods Will

I am not sure about you, but with the exception of what is written in the Bible, I find it hard to do Gods will. You may wonder why and it is because I am not sure I am in tune with God.  It is not God’s fault, but mine. I rejected God twenty to […]

Me, Me, Me

I saw a report today that says Millennials are more concerned about themselves where as the older generation is more concerned with mentoring and helping others.  What has my generation done? The answer is simple, we have created selfish, self-centered, uncaring people.  I know that may sound harsh, but with us constantly telling them they […]

Spousal Anger

Husbands and wives will fight or argue.  Usually, it is over money or how to raise the kids, but there are other times where you will get mad at each other. God has instructed us to not let the sun go down while you are angry. Ephesians 4:26 New International Version (NIV) 26 “In your anger […]