Month: June 2019

Emotional Abuse

Very close to mental abuse is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is an attempt to control another person like physical and mental abuse by playing with a persons emotions. Emotional abuse is typically: Withholding affection Shaming Blaminf Belittling language Mnd games Silent treatment on a continual basis Tuning out Verbal abuse Then you have the apologetic, […]

Mental Abuse

Along with physical abuse, there is also mental abuse. Mental abuse is like physical abuse except the person is attacking the mind. This usually leads to a the person who is being abused feeling worthless and lacking any kind of empowerment. This is closely related to emotional abuse which I will discuss tomorrow, but it […]

Physical Abuse

There are many kinds of abuse. This will be talking about physical abuse. So what is physical abuse? It is the intentional act to cause injury or trauma to another person or animal by physical contact. When humans are involved, it can be directed towards children or adults. One of the major areas is physical […]

Following others

I know I mentioned influence yesterday and this goes along with that. You have a choice, be a follower or a leader. So many of us are followers, but whom are you following? You can follow the world and Satan or you can follow Jesus, but you cannot do both. I think this is where […]

Being Influenced

What are you influenced by? Does the influence flow in or out of you? We are potentially influenced by everything that we touch, see, hear, taste, and smell. So we need to be very careful of what we let into our lives. The greatest things that influence us are our relationships, the tv shows and […]


Do you hold bitterness in your heart? Do you even know what bitterness means? Bitterness in this context means anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly or resentment. This contains both anger and hate which has occurred because of some past event. I know I have bitterness towards women. It is not towards all women, […]


One of the leading causes of high blood pressure, hypertension, is stress. So why do we let ourselves get this way? First everyone responds differently to different situations. Here are just a few things that can cause stress: Looks/weight Job Family Money School Marriage/relationship Death Household Move Cleanliness The list can go on and on […]

Just care

I work in a highly regulated field where things have to be done a certain way or you get into trouble with the government. To me it is common sense to do things a certain way, but it seems like the recent graduate new hires have a different way and it is leading to sloppy […]

Fear the Lord

In Proverbs 9:10 New International Version (NIV) 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,    and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. What does this verse mean? Fear can have multiple meanings according to Merriam-Webster online dictionary: an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger anxious concern profound reverence […]