Month: July 2019

Who I Am

The wife made a comment that other day. She said she has to read my posts to know who I am. Now I disagree, but that is ok as this is what she thinks. Here is my take on the situation. My wife wants me to talk more, but I am not a big talker […]

Hating change

I am a person that really does not like change. I can live with it, but I prefer things to remain the status quo. My wife thinks I am slightly autistic which could explain why I really do not like change. I drive every week about 360 miles, 180 to work and 180 home. I […]

Freedom isn’t Free

So many people abuse the freedom they think they have forgetting what it took to get that freedom. They think they can say and do as they please without there ever being any consequences for their actions and when society tells them they are wrong, they do not know how to handle it. Then they […]


I never really pictured my wife as a person with positive perspective, but she taught me something new last week. In my opinion, a negative perspective can cloud and change your vision. This will make it more difficult to deal with things. Last week was crappy from one point of view for me. The new […]