Month: October 2015


Why do just hate? There are a few answers such as jealousy, control, and fear. It is my belief that fear is  major cause.  For example why does the KKK seem to hate just about everyone?  Is it do to self superiority or is it more rooted in something else? The answer is fear.  Look […]

Why do people complain?

I am sure you all have a friend, spouse, sibling, parent, or it may even be you that complains about almost everything.  But why do people complain? There are several reasons such as: We see life as not being fair Things are out of our control Unhappiness Jealousy of others We lack empathy To avoid […]

When bad things happen to good people

People ask the same old question about why are bad things allowed to happen?  The answer is simple because for a period of time Lucifer is ruling the world.  I think people are under the assumption based on what they see on TV from the televangelists that once they have a good relationship with God […]

Quick to Judge

I recently made a post about a a man in South Carolina who has been arrested on suspicion of drug dealing.   They also happened to have found a lot of guns and other weapons that may or may not have been stolen.  However, the way the article was constructed was almost like “Yellow Journalism”, […]


I am constantly amazed at how people misunderstand God.  I will not be speaking for God, but will provide my limited understanding. You have heard it said that God is all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, and loving, but people ask why does he allow such bad things to happen? First off no where in […]

Rest and Relaxation

I find it amazing that people around the world are go, go, go until the point where they drop from exhaustion, are frustrated, aggravated, hostile, angry, or whatever you want to describe their physical and mental condition.  There is a reason for the Sabbath and I will get to that in a moment. I recently […]

Americans and Drama

It is my opinion, that Americans love drama and the more the better.  This may be true in other countries as well, but not sure.  You may be wondering why I say this. Look at any sports game, the closer the game the better you like it even if your team loses. Are you happy […]


Recently I went with my wife to Vegas because she was attending a conference.  All I have to say is what a disappointment.  If you want to gamble, spend lots of money on food or shows, pay outrageous rates for just about everything, then Vegas is your place.   As for me, I will most likely […]


Sorry I have been away for 5 or so days.  Went to Vegas with my wife to be with her as she was going to a conference for work.  Did not take a computer so did not have the ability to post.  Even if this is reaching just one person and is helping them come […]


I am constantly amazed at how people act, especially on the road.  We have laws and rules for driving yet people seem to ignore these on a regular basis.  The next five paragraphs happened today and all within about 1 hour. Speed limits are posted for a reason, but yet people fail to follow them.  […]