Month: January 2016

Food Industry and the FDA

My body is a temple and I have the right to know what I am putting into my body.  However, if you go by what the FDA is doing, no you do not.  They decide what has to be on the labels and in most cases it does not favor the purchaser. Michelle Obama was […]

Controlling Parents

I know the last time I said something about parents being friends and how that could cause problems.  The same thing is true if they are too controlling. Parenting is not easy and it is constantly a learning process.  My parents have never had me at the age of 52, so for them that is […]

Parents as friends

I see so to often today that parents want to be their child’s friend  versus their parent.  That is a mistake.   By parents trying to act as their child’s friend, they are basically saying we are peers. The reality is you are not peers no matter how smart your child may be, you are […]

Left Wing Rich Democrats

Isn’t a Rich Left Wing Democrat an oxymoron?  Any democrat who essentially believes in communism/socialism and is rich, then does not believe in their own system and is a hypocrite. Why do I say these things?  Under communism we are all equal where no one stands out, we are all the same, and we all […]

Being hateful on 21Jan2016

Today was a rough day from about 5:40PM to 7:15PM.  I was just hateful, irritable, and plain old grumpy.  Maybe it was food, but I doubt it. I have a problem when people do not go the speed limit to the tune of driving 10 to 30 mph under the speed limit.  I was taught […]

Snow makes people stupid

I know God has said not to call people fools or foolish, but some of their actions when it snows or whenever just makes them do dumb things. We are expecting a ton of snow here where I live and we had already decided to go out shopping. Not because of the storm, but my […]

Are things worth fighting for?

My brother-in-law has recently posted about fighting for things and being tired of them being taken away.  He further commented that those things that are not worth fighting for will always  be there.  What?  I will not go into the rest of that post or the one he made after that, but he is a […]

War of the Worlds

There is a war going on that every person is part of whether they want to be or not.  This war is more spiritual and is a fight between Heaven and Hell.  Just because Satan was tossed out of Heaven does not mean the war is over.  In fact, He even has restricted access to […]

Air travel frustrations

I know the airlines have a hard job trying to ensure that all the people who have purchased tickets are able to get from point A to point B.  However, they bring a lot of this on themselves. They are the only organization that I know of that provides a service where you have to […]


I mentioned in an earlier post that I am doing the 21 day fast.  I have also heard and read about people who are on a fast who are so concerned about what they are eating.  Stop it. What is the purpose of any religious fast?  It is to get closer to God by praying, […]