Month: February 2018

Jesus I Believe

There is a song by Big Daddy Weave called “Jesus I Believe”.  It is a beautiful song basically saying that this person believes in Jesus, but at the same time it feels like they are struggling.  They want to feel the presence of Jesus because they believe in Him, but that relationship may not be […]

Mad at People

I have a tendency these days to be very impatient with people.  The other day on the way home, a car was in the left lane and the left lane was ending.  Instead of going on so we could all get by the 18-wheeler, this person decides to slam their brakes on.  We were all […]


Hate seems to be spreading like a wild fire.  Sure we have the illusion of love, but it is not really love. We have Democrats who hate Republicans and Republicans who hate Democrats just because of their political affiliation.  We have people who hate the NRA and gun owners because of the violence associated with […]

The Real Jesus

This past Sunday, our pastor held a workshop to explore what the world thinks about Jesus.  It was interesting to say the least. What got me is where some of these people got their ideas about who Jesus was.  Some had dreams or supposed divine inspiration, some interpreted the written word a little differently, some […]

Invite Me In

I wish I could remember the person’s name and the radio station I was listening too, so I can give proper credit.  However, I do not. The woman on the radio station was telling a story about how God had talked to her.  In this story, the woman’s child woke up earlier than normal and […]


I work in a highly regulated industry and am therefore expected to follow certain guidelines.  However, as the saying goes there is more than one way to skin a cat.  No cats were harmed in the writing of this post. I report to one person who is set in his ways.  He is a very […]


I have come to hate with extreme prejudice large companies.  They are greedy and could careless about their employees.  While it is the goal of each company to make money, it is also their responsibility to take care of their employees. I am sure most of you will disagree with me, but who makes a […]


Everyone will agree I am sure that health is on the top of their list.   Everyone wants to be healthy.  The number one resolution for the new year is to lose weight or get healthy. The problem is that the world does not want you to be healthy.  There is big money in people being […]

I surrender

There is a song called I Surrender by Hillsong. This is a beautiful song and has a pretty powerful message and I advise you to listen to it again and again because I am sure that you will get something new each time you hear it.  We all need to surrender to God, but lets […]


I am sure I have posted about this before either as a post or in different posts, but we are preached by the secular world to be tolerant of others.  However, is that really what God says or wants? The answer in my opinion is no.  He says to love one another, but no where […]