Month: August 2018

Change Takes Time

We live in an era where we expect everything now and have very little patience for when something takes some time.  Take websites as an example.  Back in the 90’s, websites were a little slower because our speeds were slower but as we got faster and faster internet speeds, websites were loading almost instantaneously.  Now […]

Plan for the Future

When I was growing up, I would see my father sitting in his chair constantly calculating and recalculating.  I remember asking him what he was doing and it was two-fold. The first he was determining how much money he could spend on stocks.  The second thing was that he was preparing for his retirement. Many […]


Is there unforgiveness in your heart? Let’s face it, people these days are not willing to forgive.  Part of that is due to how forgiveness is portrayed.  We think that if we forgive, then we are to forget what has happened.  That is not true, but we are to forgive.  So what does forgiveness mean? […]

The Bible

I recently had a conversation with a colleague about the Bible.  More specifically about tithing.  I told him that I tithe and he was a bit dumbfounded by that. He started telling me all the reasons why tithing was basically not required.  The most dominant being that the Bible is written by man.  I agreed […]

God My Buddy

So too often these days, we do not fear the Lord nor do we treat Him with respect.  We use terms like God is my friend or God is my buddy.  Sorry to burst your bubble, but God is neither. God is Lord over all and is therefore above you at all times.  God is […]

Seeking God

Honestly answer this question:  Are you seeking God? Before you answer, I really need you to evaluate yourself and ask am I seeking God or do I expect God to seek me? I know that may sound redundant to the first question and in someways they is true.   The first question puts the ownous on […]


People just frustrate the snot out of me. Today a Volvo truck driver decided to turn left on a red light while it was green for all of us.  He just took his good old sweet time and could not understand why people were mad at him.  Then we have others that drive very slow […]

Giving up on God

People get frustrated way too easily with God these days.  We ignore Him at every chance we get.  We get mad when He does grant our every wish.  We blame Him for everything.  Then we just give up on Him.  Why? There are several reasons why we give on Him: We lose patience with Him […]

Spiritual Influence

I am going to say this up front, most of you will not believe in demonic influence especially if you are a Christian.  if you are a Christian, you may think that is a funny statement to make, but those that I have encountered that claim to be Christian do not think that there can […]