Month: February 2017


Sleep is a vital aspect of our lives.  We need it to help fight off illness, to relax, to recoup so we can focus better, to help us retain information better, rejuvenate, repair tissue, grow muscle, to get rid of the waste, to relieve stress, etc. However, so few of us actually get the sleep […]

Believing in God

Believing in something you cannot see is called faith.  Scientists believe in the laws of physics, but we cannot see them. Engineers believe in the laws of Thermodynamics, but again we cannot see them.  What they observe is the effect these of these laws. Others believe in evolution which they can never observe.  Evolution is […]


One of the greatest fears of any person is being rejected.  Unfortunately it happens a lot.  We have the school clicks where the jocks and/or popular kids get together and unless you fit into that crowd, you will feel like an outsider.   This is also true for the nerds, they have their own group and […]

Giving to God

Does God really need me to give time or money or whatever it may be?  The answer is no. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New International Version (NIV) Generosity Encouraged 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in […]


I have seen a lot of scripture recently telling me to pray as though God has fulfilled my prayers. Mark 11:24 New International Version (NIV) 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. James 1:6-8 New International Version (NIV) 6 But when you […]

Incompetent Doctors

I am sure there are good doctors out there, but honestly I think most of them are incompetent.  They no longer use critical thinking skills, but heuristics to determine what the problem is.  They will plug symptoms into a database and come up with a illness determination based on that information versus using their skills. […]

Valentines Day

By the time this gets posted, it will be February 15th, but while I am writing it, it is February 14th.  My wife loves Valentines Day, but I think she is even starting to see the commercialization that has happened to this day.  She went to buy me a card and decided because of the […]

Posting at home

Not sure why, but I find it more difficult to post while I am home versus when I am on the road.  I guess it could be that I have been away from the family for so long or that I have so much to do, but should any of these come before God? The […]