
Everywhere you look, there is some kind of inequality.

  • Racial inequality
  • Educational inequality
  • Economic inequality

The reality is with so many laws in place and all the sue happy people, there is no inequality. However, the media and the government want there to be because it justifies their existence.

We claim that there is economic inequality because there are a large number of homeless people. Bull, there are a large number of homeless because they want to be homeless. The problem is a lot of those people want what the rich have, but do not want to put in the time or dedication. So they try to live like the rich and are soon broke.

Other economic inequalities such as men getting paid more than woman is a joke. There are a disproportionate number of woman managers when you look at the work force numbers. Why because men have been discriminated against to ensure there is equality. The women soccer team filed a suit and lost. The judge the presided over that case looked all sources of income and discovered that the women actually get paid more then the men. Hmm! To be honest when I have talked to other women, they too are getting paid much more than their male counterparts.

The reality is, there is always going to be differences in pay because you have to look at everything, not just a few things. Items like the type of job, the experience, the education, the willingness to travel, the willingness to stay late, the willingness to move, and the benefits,.

Racial inequality is another farce. There are a disproportionate number of black managers when you look at the work force numbers. Why because whites have been discriminated against to ensure there is equality. There are so many opportunities for minorities it is unreal compared to being a white person. My kids did not go to school for free, but a lot of blacks I know have.

Then we had affirmative action which made it legal to discriminate against white males. Put out by which political party?

If all things are equal, then the pay, the benefits, etc., should also be identical as an starting offer and then it is up to you to negotiate for additional money. This is where most men thrive, they are willing to negotiate for better pay or benefits or walk away.

Education inequality is a real joke. Everyone is given the same opportunity. If you choose to squander it, that is your fault and no one else’s so stop blaming others because you decided you hated high school and dropped out in the 10th grade. Education is a game and a job. Your job is to be a student and unfortunately, there are times when you may have to take a second job, welcome to life. It is a game. There are a lot rules that you must play by so do it until your done and then if you do not like the game, change it.

With all that said, I am thankful there is one that does not change and never will. He is fair and has rules that we need to abide by. By all accounts, all of us should go to Hell, but He has given each of us the same opportunity to go to Heaven and like everything else in life, it is up to you to take it or not. However, at the end do not blame God for the actions you have chosen. If you are thinking what about His chosen people, well even they must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, accept that Jesus is the son of God, that He died went to Hell and on the third day rose to sit at the right hand of God, to follow the Great Commission, Love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul, and body, and to love their neighbor as themselves. They are not exempt from any of it.

The question is what are you going to do, not what others are going to do? Stop believing what the media is telling you, because 90+% is not the truth. Instead, look to Jesus for the answers.

Updated: July 5, 2021 — 8:29 pm