Month: October 2018

Kind vs Nice

Our society has confused these two words and use them interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. Kind is often an adjective used to describe Christ and it means: :of a sympathetic or helpful nature : of a forbearing nature : arising from or characterized by sympathy or forbearance Nice is an adjective […]

New Habits

I talked about how old habits are hard to break, but with God’s help and a willingness by you, it can be done.  However, once you get rid of those old habits what are you going to do? You could replace them with other bad habits or hopefully, you will replace them with good habits.  […]

Old Habits

Old habits are very very very hard to break.  If you did not understand that, they are extremely hard to break. So how do you break them?  The sarcastic response is one day at a time.   It is eating an elephant one bite at a time. The real answer is you pray to God […]


All of us as kids will grow to become adults unless something strange happens, but that is not what this is about.  This has to do with Spiritual Growth. We could remain stunted and acts as children or adolescents, but that is not what God wants.  He wants us to grow to reach Spiritual Maturity. […]

Spiritual Maturity

What is spiritual maturity?  Very simply, it is learning to walk in obedience to God.  We achieve by becoming more like Christ. So what does spiritual maturity look like and how do you achieve it? You know the Bible, what it means, and how to implement it. You understand that truth and grace go hand […]

Your Time

What do you do with your time?  I will bet most of us spend it on ourselves watching tv, drinking, partying, gambling, shopping, etc. However, is that what we are supposed to do? I would venture to say the answer is no.  God did not put us here to be selfish with our time, but […]

Find Healing

My apologies for taking a small hiatus.  It becomes challenging writing at times. All of us are hurting in some way or fashion.  It might be depression, cancer, bacterial infection, viral infection, etc.   With this, we all need physical healing. However, that is not the healing that I am referring too with this post.  I […]

Find Hope

In today’s world which seems to have gone crazy, we need to find hope. But what does that actually mean? Hope is the belief that a positive outcome will happen.  It is not a wishing for something. From time to time we lose that belief and we need to find it again.  The only way […]

Never Easy

It is never easy doing what God wants you to do.  It seems like the world is constantly against God and if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. Satan is currently in charge of everything that happens on the Earth except the people.  God gave us free-will and when Satan or one of […]

Wrong Decisions

Romans 7:15-20 New International Version (NIV) 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I […]