Month: January 2017


Being sick is never fun, but when you feel like you have been hit by a sledge hammer and you are coughing, it is one of the most miserable experiences.  I pray that those of you are ill, starting to feel ill, or are perfectly healthy that you never get what my wife and I […]


I am not sure about you all, but I feel like the stuff purchased today is in every way shape and form inferior to the stuff made 10+ years ago. My wife and I just recently purchased a Love Seat and Sofa and I have to say that I am not happy with the purchases. […]

Happy New Year!

Well it is 2017.  Are you ready? What did you all do last night?  Normally, we go to our church and serve the local law enforcement dinner.  This time, we( wife, son, and myself) just stayed in and enjoyed talking to each other as we waited for midnight to come to welcome the new year. […]