Month: May 2020


My house is cluttered with stuff. It is my fault due to my hobbies. My parents house isn’t cluttered, it is a disaster. My mom complained about her old house not looking like it once did, but she has stuff everywhere. The original house was about 3000 sqft and they moved to a home across […]


Lets define bitterness: anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly; resentment. a deep-seated ill will I would say that describes a large majority of the population. This is what the media and politicians thrive on. These groups use anger, disappointment, being treated unfairly, and resentment to rile up the masses. Don’t believe me, just turn […]


I know that for most of us forgiving another is a very difficult task, but I am instructed by the Lord to forgive no matter what. There is no plan B and it does not matter what the other person has ever done to you, you are to forgive. Colossians 3:13 English Standard Version (ESV) […]


Have you ever had a day or days where everything just seemed to go wrong? This is my week for that. This is what has happened since Sunday: I have spilled a bucket of water/cleaner everywhere in the bathroom and hallway. The refrigerator door shelf retainer has popped off at least 3 times causing all […]


I came across a post the other day where an employee was mad at customers who were upset with their companies service. I will agree that customers could be a little more forgiving during this time, but they do have a right to be upset when expectations are not met. The employee was condemning all […]

Blaming God

When things do not go as we want or as we expect, we often will blame God. I know I’ve done it and I often wonder why. I guess because it is easy to do or we know He is in charge and could have easily prevented it from happening. God does not want us […]


All of us at some point in time have been deceived by others. Some of us see through the deception must faster than others, but in the end most will see that they have been deceived. This in turn leads us to not trust anyone. God tells us not to be deceived: Galatians 6:7-10 English […]


It seems like everywhere you look these days, people are just angry, but I am not really sure why. I have some guesses such as: People are home and interacting with family members more They are not happy with their situation They are frustrated with not working They are frustrated with not being able to […]

Rush, Rush, Rush

I find it kind of ironic. We are told to stay home, be calm, be patient, be safe, etc. However it seems that a lot of people are in a rush and I am not really sure why. From my understanding, speeding tickets throughout the country are up and so is violence towards our fellow […]


The other day I mentioned about being offended. Lets take a look at Joseph. If anyone had a right to be offended, he did. Take some time and go read about him in Genesis 37:2-50:26 He was betrayed by his brothers who sold him into slavery to an important person in Egypt. He was later […]