Category: Struggles

Abortion vs Suicide

I just want to make something clear up front. As a Christian, I do not agree with either abortion or suicide and think that both should not be allowed. This post is to show the hypocrisy in the thought process of our law makers. The argument for abortion is that a woman has a right […]

Freedom of Press/Media

The very first amendment of the Constitution is is freedom of press. From the Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government […]


We are supposed to be good stewards of our bodies which means taking care of ourselves. One way to do that is to eat properly, but how do we do this? We have the government telling us to what to eat through the food pyramid or food plate. Next we have doctors who do not […]


I started to write something about truth, but after a few sentences, I felt like I was being directed to talk about this topic “People”. Our fight is not with one another, but that is what is seems like it has come too. One of my greatest struggles is with this verse: Ephesians 6:12 English […]

Something for Nothing

This new generation of Democrats wants to give everyone something without ever having to earned it. The only way to do that is to take from others. They want to blame the people who own businesses and who work hard to make a living. They want to tax them to death so their income is […]


My house is cluttered with stuff. It is my fault due to my hobbies. My parents house isn’t cluttered, it is a disaster. My mom complained about her old house not looking like it once did, but she has stuff everywhere. The original house was about 3000 sqft and they moved to a home across […]


I came across a post the other day where an employee was mad at customers who were upset with their companies service. I will agree that customers could be a little more forgiving during this time, but they do have a right to be upset when expectations are not met. The employee was condemning all […]

Rush, Rush, Rush

I find it kind of ironic. We are told to stay home, be calm, be patient, be safe, etc. However it seems that a lot of people are in a rush and I am not really sure why. From my understanding, speeding tickets throughout the country are up and so is violence towards our fellow […]

Self Control

All of us lack self-control. If you say I have I have self-control, then I will have to disagree. All of us are gluttons with something in our life. We buy way too much stuff not because we need it, but because we want it or it is for a hobby. We eat way too […]