Category: Life

Scared to Death

We are supposed to follow what our leaders tell us, unless it goes against God. Romans 13 English Standard Version Submission to the Authorities 13 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities […]

Cops Lives Matter

I am sure I will be hated for this, but Cops lives matter. I will be the first to say that not all police are good. In fact there is a history to suggest that police were very corrupt at one time. I am not going to say they aren’t anymore, but I do believe […]


Not sure this has been a thing of the past, but it seems like more and more people are becoming hoarders. My mom is one. It is so bad at my parents house that there is literally clothes and other crap everywhere with very small paths to get around each room. On top of that, […]

Hard Work

Making and keeping goals is hard work. It takes a lot of energy and determination to keep on the path once goals are made. Take exercise as an example. One must have a goal. Is the purpose of exercising to get in shape, have better health, become/get stronger, get ripped, obtain a body you have […]

New Year

It is 1Jan2019 for me. When this posts, it may be 2Jan2019. Since this is a new year, it is time for new things. One of those things is to try to listen to the Lord. I know He talks to each of us, but sometimes we are just so busy and our minds are […]

Never Easy

It is never easy doing what God wants you to do.  It seems like the world is constantly against God and if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. Satan is currently in charge of everything that happens on the Earth except the people.  God gave us free-will and when Satan or one of […]

Temporary Life

A lot of us act like this life is it and that there is nothing afterward.  As a Chrisitan, I believe that there is this life which is temporary and then there is the eternal life. Depending on your acceptance of Christ as your Lord and Savior, that He is the son of God, that […]