Category: Hate


I am sure it is no surprise to you, but hatred is running rampant in this country. We need to wake up and look at what the Bible has told us about the end times. Matthew 24 English Standard Version Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple 24 Jesus left the temple and was going away, when […]


Today is the first day of 2021 and I pray for most of us that it is better than 2020. However, my concern is that it is going to be even worse. Why you may ask? Covid-19 in 2020 caused a lot of issues with people dying/getting sick, people being scared about everything, the government […]


It has been a long while since I posted and this is for a reason. I have been so bitter towards this election that I did not want to focus just on that. I will discuss as times goes on. It seems everywhere you turn these days someone is being called a bigot for simply […]

So Much Anger

Just turn on the news and you will notice that so many people are angry at everything, but why? I believe it is due to deception. You should know who the greatest deceiver is, but if you do not, it is Satan. I’ve blamed the media for spreading false information and while that is true, […]


There is so much anger and hatred in our country and worldwide that is it unreal. We all need to take a step back and look at what we have become or are becoming. There is movement or so I have heard to remove all shows that demonstrate the police as good people. There rationale […]