Category: Church


Churches today are walking a very thin line. I say this not because I hate the churches, but because they are supposed to follow what God has said. There are many things that the churches have decided is okay even though God has said they are wrong. Below are just a few things that God […]

The Church in America and the World

People say that the church is dead or it is dying.  They even say Christianity is dying and will not be around in 50 or even 100 years.  As a Christian, I have to say do not be fooled by these statements and judge for yourself if you think the church is dying or dead.  […]


Sorry I have been away for 5 or so days.  Went to Vegas with my wife to be with her as she was going to a conference for work.  Did not take a computer so did not have the ability to post.  Even if this is reaching just one person and is helping them come […]