Category: Deception

Being Deceived

I believe that there is a leader who’s whole purpose is to lead the people away from God to their side. Most people call this leader the Devil, Satan, The Father of Lies, The Great Deceiver, etc. However, there are many people out there that do not even believe that God exists. If I go […]


Whether we want to admit it or not, all of us are broken. You may have heard that said before, but what does that really mean? Lets look at the definitions of broken: having undergone or been subjected to fracture not complete or full ruptured; torn; fractured not functioning properly; out of working order suffering […]


In my opinion, just like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, and Amazon, the media is evil. Do I mean left wing media or right wing media? I mean all media. All media has one agenda and that is to make money through their ratings. So the left wing media will cater to what the left is […]

Evil Organization(s)

In my opinion, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, and now even Amazon may be some of the most evil organizations on the face of the planet. The companies will do whatever they have too, to keep the truth hidden. Yes there is a lot of fake news on these sites that comes from all sides except […]


I find it ironic how the Democrats, Blacks not part of BLM, BLM, the media, and others are criticizing the protests that happened on 6Jan2021 when Antifa and BLM were violent. destructive, looting, etc from about 2019 on. They all acted like that was an acceptable form of protest, but when supposed (I will discuss […]


Lets start out with a definition of capitalism from Oxford Languages: Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. People think that capitalism is an evil dirty word, but why is that? Some political factions have presented […]


All of us at some point in time have been deceived by others. Some of us see through the deception must faster than others, but in the end most will see that they have been deceived. This in turn leads us to not trust anyone. God tells us not to be deceived: Galatians 6:7-10 English […]

Never Easy

It is never easy doing what God wants you to do.  It seems like the world is constantly against God and if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. Satan is currently in charge of everything that happens on the Earth except the people.  God gave us free-will and when Satan or one of […]

Being Deceived

Have you ever been angry with or at God?  I know I have been at times.  I have been so angry that I wanted to blame God for everything bad that has happened to me or my family.  I never stopped to think about why these things happened. While God is ultimately in charge of […]